Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Clean 9 Detox Journal Part 2 day 6, 7 and 9

In my post, Clean 9 Detox Journal Part 1, I had promised to write back in 10 days, but there is so much happening and am afraid I will not capture it all in one post. I will therefore break down part 2 into the 9 days, just to make sure you get the the most info, relate to your experience and hopefully get inspiration from my experience. If you just landed on this post and wish to follow my Detox journey, start HERE

I have been away for a while and I owe you this review. Been shopping! Nearly 50 % of my outfits will not fit, these includes inner-wear too. Be ready to shop for a size or 2 down after your 9 days of cleanse. If you are continuing with FIT 1 & FIT 2, don’t be in a rush, just buy what you really need as you progress with the transformation.

Just as day 6, I did not notice these days pass. It was just like any other day in my new life.

I was traveling on day 7 and 8 and it was quite an easy task. With my forever food and a few bottles of water packed in my bag, I had such a great time feeding at lunch. Dinner was a bit of challenge as my specifics of food preferences were not met a hundred percent, but I made do with what I could get. If you can limit your travel during these 9 days, please do to ensure you follow your schedules and rules to the latter. Backsliding and falling into temptation could cause your progress to stagnate.

My overall changes are as below. As I stated earlier, my main goal was not weight loss. I am happy to have completed the cleanse program for myself as well as for my clients as I am now in a better position to guide them through and give tips day by day of their cleanse program. Below shows total loss over the 9 days period.

Weight loss:       1.8 kgs
Tummy loss:      3.5 inches
Chest                  1.5 inches
Hips                    2 inches
Calves                 0
Thighs                1.5 inches
Biceps                1 inch

Overall I feel so much lighter, healthier, cleaner, slimmer and leaner. I highly recommend this program to everyone. If you have completed this program in the past, feel free to add in a few tips as well as testimonies.

What has been my lifestyle after day 9?
I would be lying if said am not enjoying my favourite chapattis, but I am doing so in moderation. I have realized I have become more cautious on what I feed on. I am now doing half my previous food portions. (I loved food). Not that I’m starving myself, but I just can finish the portions I used to have. And Yippee! Almost 2 weeks now, I have not gone looking for ice-cream or pizza. You can do it!

You may purchase Clean 9 from the comfort of your home or office Forever Living online shop
Choose you country at the top left, Clean 9 is under the Weight Management category. On check out, enter my FLP ID 254000487524. If your country is not listed, PM me for assistance.

Keep it here for other reviews of more Forever Living Products coz am in love with them already.

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