Thursday, March 17, 2016

My Clean 9 Detox Journal Part 2; Day 4

In my post, Clean 9 Detox Journal Part 1, I had promised to write back in 10 days, but there is so much happening and am afraid I will not capture it all in one post. I will therefore break down part 2 into the 9 days, just to make sure you get the the most info, relate to your experience and hopefully get inspiration from my experience. If you just landed on this blog and wish to follow my Detox journey, start HERE

Day 4
Tuesday was an early morning for me I needed to be in the office by 7:00 am. I took my Forever breakfast save for the Ultra Lite Shake. I was going to have it in the office. The previous night I had packed some lunch (What I would have had for dinner) Liver, Green beans, Carrots, Tomato and Rice. In my hurry to leave I forgot the lunch! I have always laughed at my colleagues who have forgotten their packed lunches. I never thought I would ever forget mine - I mean, who forgets food? 

Luckily I had enough ultra lite in the office. My only worry would have been where in town to get food that conforms to the clean 9 diet in terms of low fat, low salt 600 calories - I am better of managing that myself. My advice to you if you will be reporting to work and choose to have the meal for lunch instead of dinner, prepare some food yourself and pack it.

At lunch I felt the need to change my shake flavor. I got myself a packet of Soy milk. I had never liked soy milk, though I had also never tasted the flavored varieties, When my dad was doing his detox, he had told me he enjoyed mixing his shake with the chocolate flavored soy milk. I therefore decided to get it. For those in Nairobi, Soy milk is available at Nakumatt and Tuskys Supermarkets, and comes in lots of more flavors. In other cities/towns, you may check at the supermarkets, If its not available, try almond or coconut milk. 

I poured 300ml into my shaker, added some ice cubes and the Ultra lite. Oh boy! this is the yummiest and sweetest drink I have had all week. Tasted like chocolate milkshake - I am a sweet tooth and enjoyed this to the last drop! I actually think I could live on this. To some extent I felt like I was cheating on my detox. If you don't 'sweet', please try the unflavored one.

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