Monday, February 15, 2016

Awaken your senses with these Essential Oils

The human senses are incredibly powerful and greatly affect thought, mood and many other brain functions and work together to help support our perception of our surroundings. Undoubtedly, one of the most powerful senses is the sense of smell.

We all know about the everyday power of scent: how a particular perfume reminds you of your mother, or when the smell of your favorite restaurant brings you back to your first date there. But did you know that some scents can actually improve your health? Essential oils can also help you relax or sleep, or improve your skin or digestion — their benefits go well beyond a pleasant smell.
Essential oils can have a healing effect mentally, physically, and emotionally. They carry the physical properties of flowers and plants in a highly concentrated form. They are the essence of the plant and can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts. The particles in essential oils, which come from various parts of the plant such as the flowers, twigs, leaves or bark, can be inhaled and absorbed through the skin and some taken internally.
Most essential oils have antibacterial qualities and have varying physical and emotional effects depending on the oil, such as stimulation, relaxation, pain relief and healing.
Essential oils work by enhancing the brain wave function, when absorbed in the body, that are transported to the nervous system n cells. They help deliver about 21% more oxygen and nutrients to the cells and further assist in efficient disposal of carbon dioxide and other waste.
The most common ways to use essential oils include:

1. Aromatherapy- can be inhaled directly from the bottle, or applied on a piece of cloth to cover the nose or diffused
2. Topically - can be applied directly (mix with carrier oil) or even added to your bath

Note that essential oils are not the same thing as fragrance oils. Essential oils come from plants while fragrance oils are artificially created and often contain synthetic chemicals. While they may smell good and are typically less expensive, they will not give you the therapeutic benefits of organic essential oils.

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