Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Clean 9 Detox Journal Part 1

I have been procrastinating about detoxing for the past 2 months. Going by my New Year resolutions, I should have ticked it off in January. My decision to do this was the amazing results I saw firsthand from Mom and Dad, as well as a few friends and clients. But I was afraid that I would not keep the discipline since I dint have any 9 days in a row clear of a meet up with friends for coffee, ice cream, pizza, reunion, birthday etc. How do I just look at nyama choma and pass with a smile? In the two months, I have realized that it’s a matter of choice and what I desire to achieve. I have made the decision and I am dedicated and so excited. Looking forward to CLEAN 9 days.
In case you are wondering what this Clean 9 is all about, read DETOX WITH CLEAN 9
In preparation,
  1. I have spent some quality at the market buying vegetables and fruits, I will share a few of my 300 and 600 meals. I intend to enjoy those veges with some interesting recipes I have been looking up. Who said clean eating has to be boring?
  2. I have weaned myself from sugars alcohol and coffee. It is advised you withdraw from these a few days before you start your cleanse program for ease of transition.
  3. I have also started exercising and I believe my body is ready to cleanse.

What are my goals?
Many people take up the cleanse programs for various reasons. Most common reasons are to trim their tummy, while for others its a kick start to preparing their body for the 69 day FIT weight loss program. I am a size 12 with a BMI of 24.9 - I need to bring it down to 23, so if you are wondering what I want to achieve, read on…….
  1. Radiant naturally glowing skin: I have struggled with acne and skin problems for about 7 years, having used FLP skin care products topically, I have achieved great results and my acne has healed. I am now working on clearing the blemishes. However we need to understand most skin problems portrays your internal organs health. The C9 will ensure that my acne does not recur while helping me achieve that naturally glowing skin.
  2. Cut off my cravings and train myself on clean eating: I have always thought that “bad food” is attracted to me. I love my ice cream, pizza, French fries and all their relatives. I am lucky my body does not respond by increased weight and hence this has become a threat to my health. I am that kind of person who buys fanta because somebody mentioned soda. C9 will teach me to eat clean and control portions.
  3. Re-energize: I am often feeling tired, out of sync, fatigued et al. Getting out of bed is always an uphill task for me. Not even massages seem to get me back on track.  Looking forward to better days ahead.
  4. Develop a habit of exercise: You will not find me in exercise gear, I have not exercised in the past 365 days! The much I do is my walk to the office and back. I have always chosen the lift over the stairs. C9 program requires 30 minutes of exercise daily. This will be a transformation for me.
  5. Trim my Tummy: Yes! I have one! Most of size 12 and 10 ladies have big tummies. Most of them are not visible as we have learnt to camouflage them in our dressing. This will happen almost by default with discipline. Who does not want a flat and tight tummy? I might just start rocking the belly button ring. 

Lets Do This!
Call to action
  1. Would you wish to be my companion and detox in these 9 days? Send me a message for details on how to get your kit ASAP.
  2. Follow this blog to see the results. See you in 10 days when I will be sharing my day by day experience as well as my before and after photos in part 2
FFollow this for Part 2 


  1. How can I get the kit and at how much? And will my tummy reduce?

    1. Hi, thanks for your reply. Where are you located? The amount number of inches you depends on a lot of factors such as your daily activities, discipline during the program, your current weight and size, etc. Kindly get in touch with me on +254723898479 for a personalized response.
